Workshop to learn how to use a pendulum——Saturday, October 5, 2019

In order to satisfy you, two time slots are offered.

Saturday, October 5, 2019
10 am to 12 pm AM
13:00 to 15:00 PM

Animated by Florence, magnetizing radiesthesist

This workshop at the Pendule is open to all, whether you have already practiced or not and or followed the workshop.
It aims to make you a self-sufficient maximum for all the questions you ask yourself.
We will see what are the different types of pendulum and how to choose it, how to get a yes, no and maybe.
You will also learn how to work with the following boards:
– Positivity rate (Yes or No from 0 to 100%): to use to make a choice, to know the positivity rate of a relation, of a work, etc.
-% of Vitality: for plants and animals for example
-% of opening of the chakras
– Bovis scale: to measure the vibratory rate of living beings, objects or places.
You will also leave with your own dials to continue using them at home!

Call Isabelle at Ange Neige at 514-845-2643 for a reservation.
The workshop takes place at Ange Neige, 2700 Beaubien Street East, Montreal H1Y 1G9


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