Guided Meditation for Emotional and physical healing

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
18:30 – 20:30

Led by Cathyria Finet— Shamanic Healer

As we approach the holiday season, allow yourself the gift of meeting the sacred and delicious CACAO plant. Together, we will drink a cacao elixir made from unprocessed, raw organic cacao paste originating from Ecuador and combined with other herbs for enhanced taste and increased synergy between the active compounds.
Throughout time, cacao has been celebrated as a Food of the Gods and Angels.  Cacao also acts on the physical plane, and is considered to be the at the top of the antioxidant list of all super foods and contains over 300 compounds including a very high magnesium content.
It is believed that the spirit of cacao has the power to unlock the secrets of the soul, producing subtle, yet lasting effects in opening the pathways of the heart. One of the greatest gifts of the cacao plant is to open our hearts, allowing us to feed the joy and harmony within us in order to share it more deeply with our loved ones.
Through the sounds of the drum, Tibetan bowls and other instruments, participants will be guided into a sacred shamanic journey that will allow a greater connection to our higher selves and our guardian angels.

Call Isabelle at Ange Neige to reserve your space: 514-845–ANGE (2643)
The workshop will take place at Ange Neige, 251 Rachel East.


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