Workshop on Archangels and Angels

Saturnay, october 15, 2016
9:00 to 11:00 AM

Come for an Archangels and Angels celebration day, at Ange Neige, Montreal’s angelic spot!

Hosted by Ody Giroux of “Les Spirituelles”, inspired writing practitioner, Belvaspata Meditation Grandmaster, Reiki Master and Master Practitioner in life coaching.

With autumn comes the great celebration of the Archangels and Angels. This time of year allows opening of our consciousness to the messages they send to us. To perceive and feel all these messages, we invite you to a big celebration as we open our heart and where we will awaken to their vibrations and their messages.

During this two hours celebration, you will live a unique experience, including:

  • Belvaspata meditation, language of angels to increase your vibratory rate and open your mind to welcome them.
  • Workshop on Archangels and Angels, learn their roles and missions.
  • Welcoming messages from Archangels and Angels in group, highlight of the celebration.
  • Mantra thanks to the Angels.

Call Isabelle to reserve at: 514-845-2643

Le cours se donne chez Ange Neige, 2700 rue Beaubien Est, Montréal H1Y 1G9


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