Learn How to Make Requests With Your Angels
Thursday March 28, 2024
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday March 30, 2024
10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Given by: Isabelle Christ – angelic energy healing therapist
I am regularly asked this question: “How should I formulate my requests to the angels, what to ask them
and how? »
This workshop will address this theme to clarify the matter.
It will allow you to create your life by attracting to you what you desire. It’s also a very good method for clarifying your ideas and knowing exactly what you want.
There are many angels around us to accompany us in our evolution. How to mobilize them? How can we make ourselves heard? How can we move towards achieving our aspirations?
Call Isabelle at Ange Neige at 514-845-2643 for a reservation. 30$
The workshop is given at Ange Neige, 2700 rue Beaubien Est, Montreal H1Y 1G9