Wednesday, October 2, 2013
18:30 to 20:30
Led by Cathyria Finet, shamanic practitioner
Theme: Cacao and the Heart Space
An invitation to experience a journey into the realm of CACAO as a spirit and plant teacher. Together, we will drink a cacao elixir made from unprocessed, raw organic cacao paste originating from Ecuador and combined with other herbs for enhanced taste and increased synergy between the active compounds.
Throughout time, cacao has been celebrated as a Food of the Angels. It is believed that the spirit of cacao has the power to unlock the secrets of the soul, producing subtle, yet lasting effects in opening the pathways of the heart. One of the greatest gifts of the cacao plant is to open our hearts and clear old wounds that have been stored at the cellular level- allowing for deep release and a greater sense of connection to our core being.
Call Isabelle at Ange Neige to reserve your space: 514-845–ANGE (2643).
The workshop will take place at Ange Neige, 251 Rachel East.